Where is my protein labelled?

There are many applications for which labelling of proteins is commonly used, for example tracking of the protein of interest within a complex biological system, and even in vivo.  However, the specific residues labelled and the extent of the labelling may have an effect on the activity of the protein.

With the exceptional reproducibility of ProQuant™, we can use the technology to locate and quantitate the labelling of specific residues within purified proteins.  In the example shown here, the sites and extent of iodine labelling was determined by analysing all potential iodination sites.  There was no labelling detected on histidine residues confirming the preferential labelling of tyrosine residues.  However, across the different tyrosine residues (all of which had some labelling detected), there were differences in the extent of the iodination detected.  Furthermore, in addition to the iodination, some di-iodination of these same tyrosine sites was detected.

As well as the reassurance that the labelling protocol had been successful, it was possible to confirm that the molecule would be likely to be detected in in vivo experiments after cleavage and processing and the labelling was unlikely to affect the biological activity of the molecule.

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